[ November 16, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]

Panelová diskuze: Makroekonomická diskuse: řítíme se do recese?

Panelová diskuze: Makroekonomická diskuse: řítíme se do recese?

Miroslav Singer, Michal Skořepa, Lukáš Kovanda, Jiří Tyleček, Pavel Peterka, Petr Sklenář

[ November 16, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]

Úvodní slovo pořadatele Jan Novotný


Jan Novotný

[ October 31, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]

VIDEOPOZVÁNKA – Michal Skořepa

Co budou klíčové události roku 2024 v české a světové ekonomice? I na tuto otázku bude odpovídat Michal Skořepa, ekonom České spořitelny, spolu s dalšími specialisty na Global Investment Summitu 2.11. v Martinickém paláci na Pražském hradě. Přijďte si poslechnout inspirativní přednášky více než 50 řečníků!

[ October 31, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]


Přijde recese? Na to Vám odpoví Jiří Tyleček, investiční analytik XTB, spolu s dalšími makroekonomickými specialisty na Global Investment Summitu 2.11. v Martinickém paláci na Pražském hradě! Přijďte si poslechnout inspirativní přednášky více než 50 řečníků!

[ October 31, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]


Jak se daří realitním fondům, které jsou známé využitím finanční páky, v současném prostředí vysokých úrokových sazeb? I na tuto otázku bude odpovídat Libor Váka, realitní investor a konzultant, spolu s dalšími specialisty na Global Investment Summitu 2.11. v Martinickém paláci na Pražském hradě. Přijďte si poslechnout inspirativní přednášky více než 50 řečníků!

[ October 31, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]


Petr Plecháč is the founder of the stock exchange portal and YouTube channel
TradeCZ, investor, trader a finanční influencer. Petr se věnuje analýze finančních trhů, přičemž formou článků, videí či příspěvků se snaží zvedat finanční a investiční gramotnost v Česku a na Slovensku. Na summitu se bude účastnit panelové diskuse s názvem FINFLUENCERS – KDO JSOU, KSAKRU, FINANČNÍ INFLUENCEŘI?! Přijďte se podívat na Petra a zjistit něco nového o FINFLUENCERECH.

[ October 31, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]

VIDEOPOZVÁNKA – Miroslav Singer

Jak se změnil svět a co to znamená pro úrokovou míru? Přesně tyto otázky zodpoví Miroslav Singer, bývalý šéf ČNB, na GIS 2023! Přijďte se podívat a poslechnout si inspirativní přednášky na Global Investment Summit!

[ September 25, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]

New book launch!

In the early Covid days, I had the misfortune to experience first-hand how it feels to be brutally attacked by people who believed that Covid was a plot designed to destroy humanity. One of the results of this experience was my fascination with the process by which people adopt beliefs that are patently untrue about other individuals, the news, and institutions. This book is partly a description of the people and experiences I encountered along my journey. But mostly it’s an explanation of the psychological machine that takes people and changes them in ways that seem difficult to understand. A psychological machine I call “the funnel of misbelief.” nevíry”.

The funnel of misbelief is not a simple machine, and it includes multiple elements including stress, confirmation bias, a need for somebody or something to blame, and motivated reasoning. The funnel of misbelief is not indifferent to personality differences, and some people are more likely to go down the funnel of misbelief than others. Oddly, the personality characteristics that are more likely to make people go down the funnel of misbelief, are not necessarily bad ones, and they include intuitive reasoning, trust in their own opinions, and creativity. And of course, the funnel of misbelief is also influenced to a large degree by social elements, both in person and online. I also learned that the farther down the funnel people fall, the more difficult it is for them to escape.

In the last few years, we have all had people close to us who have been touched by the funnel of misbelief to some degree or another and understanding this process is important to all of us. But, the hope of this book is to go beyond describing what is going on around us, and provide some helpful tools for how we can each deal with the complex world of information that we are constantly bombarded with, and the complex and sometimes painful social world that comes with it. Good luck to all of us as we navigate this new era in our human journey.

[ February 7, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]


Pavel Klema from Bondster will talk about how Fintech can modernize the way we invest! Pavel Klema is the CEO of Bondster, a startup that allows members of the public to invest in loans from vetted financial companies.

[ January 29, 2023 by admin 0 Comments ]

VIDEOPOZVÁNKA – Petr Novotný, Editor-in-Chief, INVESTIČNÍ WEB

Americký dolar je stále nejvlivnější světovou měnou, ale jeho dominance stále klesá. Rusko i Čína se aktivně snaží oslabit vliv amerického dolaru na světovém trhu. To se dozvíte od Petra Novotného, šefredaktora serveru, na GIS 2023! 

Vstupenky k zakoupení zde

Prague Castle, Martinique Palace - discover one of the most prestigious locations in Prague and the whole Czech Republic. The palace where Forman's Amadeus was filmed! More history?

Live networking throughout the day - network directly at the event in all corners of the Renaissance Palace throughout the day, discover the breathtaking halls, terraces, courtyards, gardens together with your colleagues or future partners!

PCE networking application - 40 meetings a day? No problem! How to do it? Use our latest networking app and turn your time at the palace into a series of productive meetings with new potential contacts! Arrange meetings in advance directly with who you want to meet, at a specific location! Study what the PCE app has to offer and prepare yourself well, because "hard on the training ground, easy on the battlefield"

Event live - enjoy the event live! Get inspired, discover, connect and take advantage of all the opportunities on site! There is no shortage of them..

Online videos after the event - did you miss any of the lectures? Never mind! You have full access to all the videos anytime after the event!

Networking afterparty with DJs - Relax and have a drink with your new friends or business contacts and dance after the event! You've definitely had a busy day and you deserve it. 

Meet the speakers - we will arrange a meeting with the speakers, use our app to find out how.

Catering & drinks throughout the day - free first-class catering and great drinks throughout the event and at the party afterwards.

Discuss with speakers - you can discuss live or via the app

Connect with investors, startups and founders - connect live or via the app

VIP gala diner - separate event and gala dinner for invited guests and VIP ticket holders only More VIP info? As a bonus, you'll get a new book from the star of this year's GISMark Mobius, The Inflation Myth and the Wonderful World of Deflation has been recommended by the World Economic Forum as one of the five must-read books on inflation: